Fort Bend Republican Women Meetings
Fort Bend Republican Women's Club meets the fourth Wednesday of the month. Our meetings will be at the Los Galitos Mexican Restaurant, 3385 State Hwy 6, Sugar Land, Tx., until our summer break. Location for the fall will be announced.
We start with and meet and greet at 11:15, have lunch at 11:45 and start our program at noon. Lunch is available for purchase and the program starts at Noon. We welcome visitors, elected officials and candidates to our meetings.
Fort Bend Republican Women Club PAC’s
2024 Volunteer of the Year

Pictured: L-R Marie Moffett Awards Chair; Roddie Shelley, Recipient
It is our honor to recognize and congratulate Roddie Shelley, as the Fort Bend Republican Women Club PAC’s 2024 Volunteer of the Year. Roddie Shelley joined the club in September 2022. She attends the club’s monthly meetings and special events. This past election cycle she kicked up her involvement and took Election Judge and Election law training. Her involvement helped keep our polling centers with enough Republican judges during the Early Voting and Election Day. In addition, she volunteered at FBC GOP Headquarters. We look forward to her dedication this year and in the 2026 election year.
Shelley has logged 486 hours in 2024 by utilizing Clockify, the Club's time tracking application from her computer or phone.
A reminder that 2025 will have many opportunities for members to participate in school board elections, prepare for 2026 federal, state and local elections and record your valuable time in Clockify.
Visit the FBRWC website look under: 'Officers and Committee' tab for volunteer opportunities, and under 'Resources' tab for information on ways to make a difference and Clockify 'How To'.
Fort Bend Republican Women Club
2024 Volunteer of the Quarter

Pictured: L-R Marie Moffett Awards Chair; Laurie Meredith, Recipient
It is our honor to recognize and congratulate Laurie Meredith, as the Fort Bend Republican Women Club PAC’s 2024 Volunteer of the 4th Quarter. Laurie Meredith joined the Club in December 2020. Right away she stepped up by volunteering to be the club's Recording Secretary. Since then, she has chaired the Club’s Scholarship Awards Committee and the Literacy Committee. In 2024 she changed our Literacy – Book drive to a yearlong event. As a result, our Club was able to award 2 elementary schools with approx. 300+ books each.
Laurie volunteered at numerous political activities in 2024. She hosted a Candidate Meet & Greet, was a Poll Greeter and Watcher, did phone calls/banking, and stuffed campaign materials for local & county candidates.
Laurie has logged 62 hours in the 4th quarter by utilizing Clockify, the Club's time tracking application, from her computer or phone.